Our Charge

By Nullus

My Reading:

Get off your knees and stand before the tempest,
Abandon all fears and cast away your shame,
Clearly pronounce that you are not embarrassed,
Make them see that you will never play their game!

Cowards, traitors, trespassers, meddlers beware!
We will put an end to this vicious syndrome,
Correcting the world you left in disrepair,
We must secure the existence of our home!

The time has come for us to carry this flame!
It is now our charge to preserve its beauty,
Hold steady in this sinister hurricane,
Determination is your solemn duty!

You are the sons and daughters of destiny!
There is nothing for which you need to atone,
Proclaim your pride unapologetically,
Always remember that you are not alone!

© Nullus 2020